Craftization: Where Beauty Meets Organization (Desktop Organization That Inspires!)

Welcome!!!! So glad you stopped by!  Today we talk about providing yourself with a workspace that allows you to maximize your productivity!

Take a look at your workspace, your desktop, your desk drawers.  Are they messy, unorganized, and full of things you do not need?  Clear that clutter!  Take a minute to get rid of the items you have not used on over 6 months or (all you teachers) in one school year.


Quote for today:

So with that, let's get started with our next project...Desktop Organization That Inspires!



Here are the directions: (Click on the link)

Here's the link to the Periscope:


Tip To Take:

Have everything you need within reach!  
Items that you use on a daily basis on your desk will maximize productivity!

So grab a pen and paper, make that list. and get started on your way to a fabulously organized and BEAUTIFUL workspace!

Until the next post...

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