Looking for ways to foster the love of reading in your emergent reader? Jennifer Serravallo has just the tool for you in her "The Reading Strategies Book". This book is one of those "keep forever, and use everyday" resources every teacher combs the book stores for!
Although, her book is your ultimate resource dream, I felt that I needed more in order to utilize the strategies in an easy and structured way, hence the creation of my Reading Strategy Products. This is the first in the Reading Strategy Product series focusing on Pre-Emergent and Emergent reading strategies. In the product I cover how the lesson should look, what prompts to use while teaching/coaching, anchor charts for each of the 20 strategies, and graphic organizers that can be used as worksheets or used digitally (my preference :).
Here's a little video I put together to explain what the product includes.
Click Video Below if on computer/tablet.
Click here if on phone.
The posters included can easily be made into large posters by going to your nearest printing store with them loaded on your flash drive OR you can sometimes upload them to the printing store from your computer or device and pick them up later.
Note: I use Stapes printing services online and send the file directly to them for a later pick-up time. If you order it as an Engineered Print it will cost very little. I had a 24x48 printed for under $6. They are thinner than the poster version, but once laminated, they work great!
I am currently working on Goal 4: Fluency since I do not know of a teacher that doesn't need this resource in their classroom. Check back or stay tuned on my social media sites for the announcement of it's completion!
Until the next post...
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