I have found this to be so true for my young readers. Teaching young readers requires a lot of patience, a lot of practice, and a lot of reminders. I have looked and looked for ways to close this "weekend learning curve". What have I learned? That visual reminders and routine can be extremely helpful.
Therefore, I have created some tools that my readers use most every day, but ESPECIALLY on Monday! One of those is our Beanie Baby Decoding Bracelets. I keep one handy for all of them so it's ready to go the minute they walk in. For some reason, it seems to work wonders! (I figure it's one of those things to not question.)
Then I wondered...would it help if they used these elsewhere? Well guess what? It does! I held a quick parent training session for my 1st grade parents on how to use the Beanie Baby decoding strategies. I made tons of things such as bookmarks, posters, games, and the bracelets to send home with them. Guess what? I get many responses like this..."Help! We lost the bracelet! Please send another!" I guess if they want it...something's going right!
Like I said...I'm learning to NOT ask questions when something works. I simply make more and have them when needed. :)
I decided to update them this summer. I grabbed some new graphics from the awesome people at Scrappin' Doodles...and here they are! Simpy copy, laminate, and put some velcro on the ends and you are set for the year...unless the dog or little brother gets it that is.
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