Finally Part of Bloglovin!

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Can't wait to start viewing blogs of my choice!!  I even downloaded the app for my phone.

As my name states loving to Link 2 Teach!!

See you on Bloglovin'!!!



Lights...Camera...Book Trailers!! Green Screen Tutorial

Looking for a way to motivate your students to read?  Cast them in a trailer that is.  Last summer I hosted a program at our local library to boost reading motivation over the summer months.  I decided to try creating green screen book trailers.  Little did I know the overwhelming positive response it would create in students and parents!  

When the idea struck me I went online and purchased a green screen kit.  I wanted one that was PC compatible and easy to use.  I decided to go with a company, that in their store name implied "easy as 1-2-3."  (That should give you a clue, without giving away and scaring their company name.) My advice is to research the company before buying their products.  The place I purchased from was not professional or reliable.  They never gave me the key code for the software and after 6 months of begging them...and a little pressure...I finally got the program working.  Sadly, it was less than I expected and couldn't do half the fancy things I had envisioned.

So that led me to having to do it the hard way.  Our school has PCs so I looked for great programs and tutorials on creating green screen movies with Windows and I couldn't find one that I thought the students could eventually manage on their own, which was my goal.  So that led me to the decision to use my own personal Macbook.

I spent many hours trying to figure out how to create movies in iMovie.  I looked for great tutorials and articles, but none of them seemed too easy to me, and they really didn't fit my needs as a teacher.  After a year of exploring iMovie and using the green screen to make dozens of movies in my classroom, I am here to tell you this is one of the most powerfully motivating things I've ever done to inspire my students to read.  I teach struggling readers K-5.  My students do not like to read, but this idea of using a green screen was the single most powerful motivator I've ever seen!

You know how we as teachers always look for that perfect "hook"?  That perfect anticipatory set?  Well set up a green screen in your classroom and I promise you...they will BEG to read!

Here's a shot of the green screen kit I purchased.  You do not need to purchase an entire kit, I learned later.  All you need is a green background.  You can use a sheet, fabric, a curtain, or paint.  I did some research and found out the name of a green paint you could use. 

Behr S-G-430 ("Sparkling Apple")- Found at Home Depot
Buy a swatch of fabric you think might work.  Pin it to your clothes.  Shoot your movie and add green screen effect (steps found in Part 5) and if the background picture shows up on the swatch of fabric then that's your color.  This might be better than purchasing yards and yards of fabric that do not work.

Honestly, I think as long as you use a bright green it will work.  Some of my kids showed up wearing green and we couldn't shoot because their green shirt picked up the background. (Which left them with a floating head...he he.)

Look at my sad little broken stool:(  

My kids could hardly stand it until I explained what it was for.  Then they wanted to do nothing BUT read.  I never thought I'd ever have to say "No sweetie, we have to do this before we read."

In an earlier post I adding some of my students' videos if you'd like to see examples.  
(I've done many more since then.)

But today's focus is to show you, How You Can Easily Create Green Screen Book Trailers/Movies in Your Classroom Using iMovie. This video is Part 1 in a 7 part series.  I took it slow so you could master one section at a time.  By Part 7: Publishing Your iMovie, you will be a pro!

I hope it helps to simplify this process for you.  I will post Part 2: Saving Your iMovies next.





So excited to jump into a new school year this August....after 26 years?  Really?  How can this be you ask?  Well...I owe it to all the new friends I've connected with via social media this summer!  It's amazing to think that one little idea could spark such an uproar of excitement and emotion but I feel blessed to have been part of this social media craze that started with the following of the TpT Vegas Conference!  Thanks to two wonderful ladies that have inspired me beyond words (Angie @ Little Lucky Learners, and Ashley @ Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd, I have hopped on that social bandwagon and strapped myself in for quite a ride.  Join the craze @#2getherwearebetter

What have I been inspired to do since this broadcast live from the halls of Vegas on Periscope?
-Start a Literacy Tribe
  full of wonderful teachers that love all things literacy (just like me!)
-Found a blog designer to redo my...not so
-Hired an artist friend to design a logo and "face" for my literacy link ups
-Been inspired to create items to help each other spread the love of literacy!

I am currently very excited about my newest project, creating a How-To on creating green screen book trailers/movies.  I started using them last summer with our summer reading program and they took off from there!  Last year I had a waiting list of students grades 1-5 wanting to read award winning books and create book trailers to share with their friends and families.

I have never seen such an motivational reading movement in all of my teaching career!  So...I want to share exactly how to make this happen in more classrooms.  Completing it is my goal this week.  I will share the minute it is ready!

I have a confession...

I even have an even bigger idea!!!

Here it is:


I'm so excited!  Now I just have to find a way to make this happen.  Contact me if you are willing to link up to my students this fall.(  Connecting students through literature....GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS!

Stay tuned...


Giving An Old Idea a Facelift!

I've been spending the summer working on my TpT store..trying to create items that are too time consuming to do during the school year. As I reflect upon the years past, and try to focus on what really matters for struggling readers, I continue to come to the same conclusion.
Why do students struggle to read?
I truly believe that a majority of the students that walk through my Title I/ RTI classroom door struggle because they simply cannot decode. What fun is reading when you have to struggle to figure out a majority of the words?
(Much like going up to bat with never hitting a ball or going roller skating and always falling down...NOT MUCH FUN.)
The best remedy I have found to this day...with both young beginning readers and older struggling readers is the use of systematic decoding instruction. But, how do you keep one's interest when they are already "turned off" from the whole process?
As I sit here, I come to this conclusion...YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT FUN, EASY TO FOLLOW, EASY TO REMEMBER.
That's it. Then you practice practice practice!
That's why my 1st summer task was to update my Beanie Baby Decoding Strategies posters, graphics, and powerpoint lessons on these strategies to keep them current and to implement what I have learned over the years while teaching them.
I hope the kids enjoy them! Although it took many hours...I have no doubt it was worth every minute!
What do you use to teach decoding to your young or struggling readers?

Here are some pics of my updated items/ideas in my classroom:)

I also put the actual beanie babies on a bookcase right next to our small group table.  This way they are always right there when we need them. :)
I framed them with certificate frames from Dollar Tree.  Yep only $1 each!  Now I can easily remove them and place them on a tripod stand when focusing on a certain strategy. LOVE!


You're Going to Put Me Where...To Teach What? (An RTI Story)

About 5 years ago I heard mention of a new mandated program to soon sweep the nation.  It was called Response to Intervention...RTI for short (of course)!  Little did I know how this would turn my world upside down.

At the time I was a self-contained 5th grade teacher (ex-Title I teacher) and loving my new home with my class of 25.  Life was good in teacher land!  And hit!  I was moved back to the Title I position in our building for another go around at teaching the entire district remedial reading. OMG...why me? (Being the only one with a masters degree in reading will do that to ya!) :)  I was asked, by our new principle, to turn the program around and do what the RTI initiative was designed to every child's reading needs.  Easy peesy right?  No...

After the tears subsided, I vowed to make the best of it and do the best I could in an almost impossible situation.  Really?  How was I supposed to teach and remediate 500 children grades K-5? Afterall...I did get my master in reading for a reason.  I loved it! 

After 3 years of digging in, spending countless hours locked in my tiny little room, I'm pale and a little under exercised, but I am here to tell you that I am making it happen and I am completely and utterly shocked and amazed that little me could do such a thing.

In the past 3 years, I took a failing RTI program with little results and little data to drive instruction to an RTI RESULT PRODUCING BEAST!  In the last two years alone, our school's special education referrals were decreased by 25% and I know with the implementation of next year's co-teaching of guided reading groups, it may increase again.

How did we do it?  A lot of looking into our screening materials, tons of research, hours of piloting, endless days of creating new assessments, and a partner from God himself.  That's how!  I can't wait to see how this year goes.

I began to reflect upon my countless hours of searching for a ready-made program. didn't, so it led me to think there is a need for it.

My goal this summer, or maybe early this fall, is to publish a product that will show teachers/administrators step by step how to create such a program.  I plan to list it on TpT so no one has to start from scratch like I did.  We all work hard...why not share the love? Right?

Watch for it on my blog or in my TpT store soon.  I'm going to be looking for some teachers who love reading instruction and assessment, or simply a teacher that loves to implement new things with a set of fresh eyes, to look at my products before I list.  If you are willing to help me out...I will provide it to you for free.  If interested in helping me proof, contact

Here's to NEVER giving up!  Go TEACHERS!


Out of Sight...Out of Mind...

Does it seem like your young readers seem to forget those lessons you've worked so hard to teach? I find that even a weekend can interfere with my young readers confidence and memory.  Does it seems like your students are on top of things by Friday and then Monday is a whole new story?

I have found this to be so true for my young readers.  Teaching young readers requires a lot of patience, a lot of practice, and a lot of reminders.  I have looked and looked for ways to close this "weekend learning curve".  What have I learned?  That visual reminders and routine can be extremely helpful.

Therefore, I have created some tools that my readers use most every day, but ESPECIALLY on Monday!  One of those is our Beanie Baby Decoding Bracelets.  I keep one handy for all of them so it's ready to go the minute they walk in.  For some reason, it seems to work wonders!  (I figure it's one of those things to not question.)

Then I wondered...would it help if they used these elsewhere?  Well guess what?  It does!  I held a quick parent training session for my 1st grade parents on how to use the Beanie Baby decoding strategies.  I made tons of things such as bookmarks, posters, games, and the bracelets to send home with them.  Guess what?  I get many responses like this..."Help!  We lost the bracelet!  Please send another!"  I guess if they want it...something's going right!

Like I said...I'm learning to NOT ask questions when something works.  I simply make more and have them when needed. :)

I decided to update them this summer.  I grabbed some new graphics from the awesome people at Scrappin' Doodles...and here they are!  Simpy copy, laminate, and put some velcro on the ends and you are set for the year...unless the dog or little brother gets it that is.



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