Week 2 Read Aloud Book Suggestion The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

Looking for a book to hook even the most reluctant and doubtful of readers?  I've got just the book for you!

Here's a book trailer for a preview:)

If you teach Kindergarten-2...here's one for you!

This has to be my ALL TIME FAVORITE book.  The One and Only Ivan is a fictionalized story told through the eyes of Ivan the Mighty Silverback Gorilla!  Katherine learned about Ivan's story and decided to write the story from his perspective.  It's a story of love, determination, and friendship like no other!  It offers you and your students an opportunity to journey with Ivan and his friends through this tale of reality meets fiction.

I love to teach my students all about the real Ivan prior to reading this story.  It brings it to life and pulls at your heartstrings even more when you learn Ivan really did exist!

The picture book is meant for younger children and tells the true story of Ivan using beautifully adorned pages of this beloved animal.

I promise you and your students will put this book on the top of your favorite books of all times!

Please share your experiences with the book with us here!  Ivan was truly a hero and his legacy can live on once shared through Katherine Applegate's literature.


Until the next post...


Read Aloud A Week (RAAW): Pax by Sara Pennypacker

Tonight's Read Aloud A Week:  Pax by Sara Pennypacker

Tonight I am beginning my new quest. As a reading teacher, I know all too well the importance of reading aloud to children. Research shows that reading aloud to children regularly puts them academically a year ahead of children who are not read aloud to regardless of any socioeconomic differences.
But I also realize how time consuming it can be to find those read alouds (besides the classics) that will provide quality literary experiences that we all long to provide our children.
Therefore, I will be researching and presenting a new book each Sunday to help you build your read aloud list.
Remember...quality literature has no age boundaries. After all, do we not all have the fondest memories of those cherished stories of Charlie and his magical chocolate factory tour, and Fern and her struggles to learn the most difficult of life's lessons?
Authors are continually producing new literature that will stand the same test of time as those classics. These are the books I will be sharing and loving with all of you each week.
I will showcase them, show you clips, trailers, and audio clips right here.
I present to you my first Read Aloud A Week Pick...Pax by Sara Pennypacker!

The link below is a review of the book.
smile emoticon

This wonderful book has now become a staple in my library.  I'd love to hear what you think and especially what you do with this wonderful novel.

Until the next post...


It's So Easy a 4th Grader Can Create Movies!

Want to create great presentations beyond the world of PowerPoint with your students? If yes, then stick around for this!

This is a 4th grade student showing how to create a green screen presentation.  Watch and see how simple it really is.

You can find a detailed video tutorial here.

And grab some FREE planning pages to make the process even easier.

Stay tuned for more exciting technology-related literacy finds!

Until the next post...


Step By Step Green Screen App Tutorial

For the past two years I have spent my time searching for great software that students could use to create their very own green screen movies. The market for green screen apps is lacking, but I have found one that when used with the iMovie app can provide students with an easy way to create their very own exciting movies using green screen technology.

 My intention on creating these videos was to create book trailer videos to spotlight, introduce, and excite students about quality literature. My goal was to find a fun way to involve the students in this process. For an entire year I could not find an app or the devices needed in order to make this happen. I continued to make the videos myself using my personal MacBook Pro laptop and the iMovie software.

 Well...I am excited to share with you that I have found a green screen app that can be used in conjunction (if you desire) with the iMovie app for iPads. So if you own an iPad...you are halfway there!

 I have also put together a product you may download and use in your classroom tomorrow. You can access this product by clicking on the link below.

 If you wish to grab a freebie product you can use to help your students plan their green screen presentations, you can grab this freebie at the link below.

I have presented an online tutorial on how to use both apps. This video tutorial is below.

I would LOVE to hear any questions or comments you'd like to share about using a green screen in your classroom!  I hope that you and your students get as much enjoyment out of it as we have. :)

Until the next post...


How To Use a Green Screen in Your Classroom! (Raising Real Readers Episode 4)

Have you been looking for the key to adding excitement into your curriculum?  Are you looking for fun ways that encourage your students to utilize those ELA CCSS?  What better way than to use a green screen in your classroom?

I have been using a green screen in my classroom for about two years and my students and I absolutely love it!  I started out by making green screen book trailers, but have learned along the way that it can provide multiple ways to cover so many of those ELA CCSS skills and in such a way that students are motivated and excited about learning.

The link below will take you to your FREE download including a few of the ways I utilize my green screen.  It includes lesson plans and links to examples.  I have many more ideas that I am currently working on and when I have examples available and lesson plans ready, they will be posted to my TpT store.  So when visiting for your free download on my TpT store, click the "Follow Me" button to receive notifications of additional FREE products.  I also would greatly appreciate any feedback or questions you have on these materials.

I am continually posting pictures and links to my Facebook and Instagram accounts in order to provide teachers with examples and lessons directly from my classroom.  If you would like to see how the green screen is used in person you might want to follow either of these accounts.  Both are found at link2teach.

Facebook:  (click here to visit)

Instagram: (log in and search for me then follow to see more posts:)

I did a Periscope on using the green screen in the classroom.  Click the link below to view this Periscope. :)

My next quest to have teachers share their fabulous photos, videos, and activities using a green screen.  If you would like to be part of this amazing team of teachers sharing exciting ways to use technology to teach, excite, and motivate your students, come join our team by following myself or my partner Kami Butterfield @teachingwithappitude on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Periscope.

Looking forward to seeing the many ways you choose to use a green screen in your classroom!

Until the next post...


Raising Real Readers Episode 3: How Do I Keep Them Reading?

So you've found out about your students as readers (Reading Interview-Episode #1).  You've helped them to find a great book you are SURE they will love (Let's Find You a Great Book-Episode #2). You and your student are giddy with excitement and you watch proudly as the student heads home for the first time with every intention to read that book with gumption!  Then...the wind is knocked out of you when you ask., "So how is that book going?" and the student responds, "Oh...I turned that book back in."  OUCH!

So how do you avoid this or at least take steps to help your students when they figure out the book you chose together isn't for them and the answer is NOT to simply turn it back in unannounced?

Watch this video replay of my Periscope "Raising Real Readers Episode 3: How Do I Keep Them Reading?" for some simple and quick tips that have been proven successful with even the most reluctant readers.

(Click the link below to view the Periscope video.)

Here are the items I promised in the scope...

Some of the items in the free download are shown below.

(Click the link below to grab your free copies.)


Book Chat Guides

Using Instagram To Motivate Readers

1.  Parent Notification

3.  Classroom Display Ideas & Board Example (printable images for board included)

 4.  Printable Post Pages For Student Creation By Drawing
5.  Example of Post created using PicCollage

There will be MANY more ideas shared in upcoming posts about how to maintain readers' engagement in your middle grade readers!  

Follow my blog, on Periscope or my Teachers Pay Teachers store for notifications of additional items and ideas. :)

Until the next post...


To Teach or NOT To Teach Reading Motivation?

Beauty=Motivated Young Readers

Go ahead and take a stand...what do you think?  Is it really something that teachers should spend their already demanding standard-packed, curriculum-filled, school days with?

Do we really have the time for something that is not highlighted in most scope and sequence plans for our grade level curriculum?  After all, do we not read to and with our students a large part of every school day?  It should be enough right?  We are already sending a positive message by sharing so much literature with our children, aren't we?

If you have to choose between spending time to focus on and plan time to motivate our young readers, when will be get time to actually read with them?

This is a topic that I'm sure most educators would take an equally divided stand.  At least that is what I have experienced in my career.  So I ask again...Is taking time out of our teaching days to motivate readers worth the time? Think about your answer.  Then read on.

I am a reading specialist of 11 years and an elementary classroom teacher for the other 15 for a total of 26 years in grades K-5.  If there is one thing that I have battled with both as a reading specialist and as a classroom teacher it is this question I posed to you at the beginning of this post.

I have spent many hours working with young readers as well as studying the art of teaching reading and the one conclusion I have come to is this...TEACHING OUR YOUNG READERS THE BEAUTY AND IMPORTANCE OF READING IN OUR DAILY LIVES IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS WE AS EDUCATORS CAN DO.

There...I said it.  There are studies galore that confirm this opinion.  Simply search this question and multiple articles will fill your computer screen.  So many that it could overwhelm you.  So why do we waiver when asked this question?  Why do we continue to send our students to the classroom or school library without enthusiasm, anticipation, or a plan for finding a great book?  Why do we continue to either not schedule time for our students to read books of their choice during our school day or even plan time for them to read but never speak of what they are reading?  Why do we not showcase new and great books with the grandeur and excitement that major motion movie production companies do their new releases?  Kids sure know what movies are being released...they should also know what books are being released.

Did you know that research shows students that enjoy reading for pleasure in their early years have a higher reading achievement than their peers that do not.  Many who read daily as young readers can score 1.5 years or more higher than their peers who do not read for pleasure.  Even these vague facts are pretty powerful and a very good reason to make time to plan reading motivation lessons and conversations into your daily plans.

This is the motivation behind my series "Raising Real Readers".  We need to teach our young readers that reading can be fun, exciting, and actually help them to be more successful in school.  This doesn't even compare though to the fact that reading can be a personal experience that is tailored so specifically to each person.  It can fill voids that no other lesson can.  It can provide young people with ways to fill their educational and personal needs.  It can change their lives.

So...I leave you with this.  As an educator I'm pretty sure that you are a dedicated one or you wouldn't be seeking educational blogs.  What kinds of learning experiences do you want to provide for your students?  Lasting ones that can change their lives?  If the answer is yes, than motivating your young readers is a must.

Follow me on my blog for tips, strategies, and resources on how to make this integration of reading motivation into your classroom one that is easy and a whole lot of fun for you and your students.

Until the next post...

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