TpT Sellers Challenge

Week 1 Challenge:  Makeover Madness

Makeover Madness it is!  Summer has finally arrived.  Two vacations under my belt.  Time to sit down and get busy with my TpT business!

First, I decided to change my button.  Mine was I decided to try to spruce it up.  My hope is to make enough $ to have an experienced blog designer help my with all the cutie patootie stuff that goes along with creating an appealing product/blog.  After all...that's what I look for in a product.

You'd think this would take about an hour or so tops, right?  NO!  I stewed over it for hours. Why am I and so many other teachers that way?  I'm really into things looking exciting for me and my students.  It helps to make each day a little brighter and puts a little pep in our step...I think anyway.  Or it could me I really am OCD!

I also spent some time working on changing over all of my social media accounts to my store name. It gets confusing to me for goodness sake...can't image what I'm doing to you all!:)

Well, it's time to jazz up those other boring items I'm embarrassed to say I created.  Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll get some time to squeeze in some reading time for all of those new award winning children's books I bought for my students' readbox.   

Literacy Ramble Alert!!!! 

By the way, has anyone read The Boy on the Wooden Box: How the Impossible Became Possible . . . on Schindler's List by Leon Leyson?  

It won numerous awards: Best Books of the Year 2013: Ages 9-12; 2014 Sydney Taylor Honor Book, Younger Readers; ALA 2014 Notable Children’s Books, Middle Readers; 2013 Cybils Awards, Young Adult Nonfiction, Finalist; 2014 Christopher Award Winner, Ages 10 & up.

I purchased it to read with my 5th grade RTI group of struggling readers.  It was beautifully written and I am positive it will keep my kids on the edge of their seats.  I plan on using it as a nice lead in to their homeroom Holocaust unit.

Sorry about the rambling on.  I can't seem to end a conversation without it leading to a great children's book or a great lesson I stumbled upon.  Guess that why I'm a reading specialist...

Have a great weekend!


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