American History Come To Life! Read Aloud Suggestion Week 3

We all teach the history of our country in some way shape or form, but how often do our students truly connect and understand what really happened?

I'm sure that date memorization and names of conflicts and wars all have their place in history, but what child looks forward to those!

Want a book that touches everyone's heart strings and shows the REAL story of our nation's beginning?  Read the book Indian Captive by Lois Lenski and your kids will never forget how our early settlers and Native Americans truly felt about westward expansion.

Click the link to purchase.

Here is a link to nonfiction materials on Mary Jemison.

The story is about a young immigrant girl, Mary Jemison.  The story is based upon her real life experiences which makes it all the most compelling and emotional.  In the story, Mary, is taken captive by Indians and is held captive...well I won't spoil it for you, but the beauty of it all is that it provides a wonderful connection between fiction and nonfiction.  There are many resources out there about the real Mary Jemison that your students will beg to hear after falling in love with her story.

This book promises to deliver an emotional tale that does not disappoint!  Your students will fall in love with Mary and her captives and learn first hand what running the gauntlet really entails!  My students and I will NEVER forget our nation's struggle to settle this great nation after sharing this great piece of literature.

Until the next post...

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