My Space!

Ever hear the term Book Nook?  On a cold rainy or snowy day, ever want to snuggle up in a blanket with a hot chocolate and a good book?  Make reading cozy, comfortable, and casual.

Designate a spot or create a temporary place for your child to read in your home.  It can be as simple as a blanket fort to lure them into the land of literature.  Have a spare tent from summer camping?  Pitch it and let your child hide away with a good book, a snack, and comfy blankets.

Sometimes adding pillows or stuffed animals for company can add to the experience.

I remember as a child clearing out a section of my closet for a day or weekend and making it My Space for reading and writing.

With cold days approaching, why not give it a try?

Create a My Space for your child and watch them get excited about reading.


The Power of a Stuffed Animal!

Well it's been awhile since I posted.  I've been pretty busy getting into my new job.  I have recently been hired as a reading specialist for our elementary K-5 building.

I was nervous at first to have to be so knowledgeable.  I mean K-5?  That's a big range of reading skills.  I've spent many nights and many days working hard to give those kiddos the help they need.  I have learned something very valuable through this process.  Being able to visit, help, and work with so many grade levels and so many children is actually a blessing.  I have learned so much in these past few months.  I really do love my job!

The one thing that stands out the most is this...KIDS WILL LISTEN IF YOU GIVE THEM A STUFFED ANIMAL!  I came across the Beanie Baby Decoding and Comprehension strategies by accident when helping a friend's little girl with her homework.  I wasn't sure what they were, so I started researching.

Well it's a long story, but I started using it in my reading classes and I have never in my life seen children learn a new skill and retain it as well as I have seen my students grab on to this one!

If you haven't tried them or heard of them, you might want to give it a minute of your time.  At parent-teacher conferences the parents even raved about them and how excited their children were to use them.  I have put a link below for you to check them out.  Even if you do not need the materials I have created to use with my students, you might want to do a little research and find some that fit your needs.


<a href=""><img src=""></a>

This packet of activities provides students with practice using Stretchy Snake decoding strategy to sound out words.  The packet also includes two assessment tools for teachers.  It supports CCSS K.RF.3; 1.RF.3; and 2.RF.3.
I'm here again!  Bear with me!  It's spring break and I finally have some time to blog and post.  Yippee!

I just added a new activity to my TpT store

It's an activity for Common Core Standard RL.5.4 (5th Grade Figurative Language)  I believe it can fit grades 3-6 easily.

I hope your students enjoy this fun and interactive activity introducing and using similes!

Let me know how it went!

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